rocket science.

I decided that at some point in my life im going to invent something. So today I did some research on inventions. Here are some that I liked. Although they are failed inventions, they are cool!

360 degree camera! and you blow into a harmonica to make it work for some reason. Two great things, one invention.

I dont have the time or energy for this invention. But it looks cool.

Swiss army garden. Somebody knows whats up. Its huge.


Say what! Amazing

I dont even know what this is, but its tite. Go girl.

I think I need this. Hairless fooood is in my future.

1 comment:

molby said...

i need that fucking hair outta my face and food thing. fuuuuuuuccckkkk. also my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. does this just happen when your hair is long?