What do you know about Grizzly Man!?

It is important that you watch this.

Got home the other night from a wack party and we decided to stay up and watch Grizzly Man. This guy is nuts! Timothy is crazy in the brains.

" I will die for there animals, I will die for these animals, I WILL die for these animals". And sure enough, he died for these animals. Poor dude spent 13 years documenting bears and they end up straight murdering him.

My favorite quote is "Animals Rule! Timothy conquers" and thats just from the preview, imagine the whollllle movie.

I called my brother the next day and told him about it, sure enough he knew about the movie and also told me about another movie about a man who was determined to make a grizzly bear suit and fight one. Whats up with that? Ill have to see this movie too.

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