You better work, covergirl.

Met my pops for lunch today at some greek spot, took the bus home and it reminded me about how I hate the bus. Before I got on I was standing there next to a bum and he was having a sneezing attack. I looked over and saw the snot hanging from his long beard. I was like..word? We got on and he continued to sit there and just stare at me. I was getting annoyed and wanted to move but it turned into me having this daydream about him standing up and shanking me with a dirty shank and having to go to the hospital. I even contemplated if I would want to pay the money to take an ambulance or if i would just take the bus to the hospital. This led into me thinking about the cut getting infected and dying if i didn't make it to the hospital on time. Geez. I moved eventually.

Then I met up with Danny and we went to some professional hair spot to get some stuff to do my hair. Like for real, you had to show your license. Did you know Danny is a licensed professional. Then the fool did my hur and made me the babe of the night.

When James and I were younger we did a choreographed dance to this song. not kidding. at camp 8400. That place was the jam. Capitol JAM with a J. Our choreographers name was Angel, he had us dancing to all sorts of craziness inculding Janet Jackson..rhythm nation days. Side note: Last night I got to talking with an old friend and he said he recently got a laserdisc player. I got jealous and said I had been planning on getting one but haven't gotten around to it. The point is I have Janet Jackson- Rhythm Nation concert on laserdisc annndddd Top gun and Tu Wong Fu, Thanks for Everything. To name a few.

Sitting at Dannys.
Rons cocking porcelains toilet, sexy time.
Im sitting waiting to grab a bite to eat. I painted my nails hot pink.

Then to Sarah's goodbye party at a UN mentionable place.

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