This is the next big thing, the nubrella is where its at. So classy you cant even google image that shit. This is an image stolen from the website.
Did you know that you can even wear one while riding a bike?
The nubrella promise: “it can not and will not invert in any wind”
More extended coverage keeping you drier all the time.
Nubrella blocks windchill!
A far safer and more reliable product! No more sharp points, poles or rods
Can be used completely hands free! Even in significant winds.
New oval, streamlined and aerodynamic design!
Danny and I forecasted future issues with this invention.
one being its too big for the sidewalk.
two being issues on a subway. " hey man, get your nubrella out of my face".
I would want a black nubrella and i would decorate it in stickers and glitter on the inside back so you could see it when your walking towards me.
Rumspringa was too good last night. I took advantage of a drum stick and got to play some tunes on a tambourine. Im into this. Then went and cut a rug at Cranes. I can call Cranes a good dancing spot.
Danny picked me up at 10:30 am today and we went to look at these crazy victorian houses in Angelino Heights and randomly ran into Missy walking annddd met this hilarious landlord names Manuel. He was this old man who gave the weirdest handshake Ive ever done. He kind of just stook his hand out with a loose fist and you just grabbed it and shook it. We thought that maybe he was not into germs. It was fun to re-enacte it when we bounced. He showed us a spot that over looked downtown and the hollywood sign fool. His brothers occupy the other two apartments. I would have a fiesta with them, Manuel and my tecate. One more thing about Manuel, you have to see the rent sign!! All sorts of spelling issues and slang. We cant find the usb cord but i want to put that picture on here and the houses.
By the way today was ones of those days you cant really tell a story about, you had to just be there.
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