If my stimulus check didn't go straight from my savings to bills and other nonsense it would of went to some kind of camera. It makes me bummed to not own a camera. A new fixture in my life is an up-graded cell phone, I went from a boom box of a phone to more futuristic phone which has a camera on it. I use this camera daily but the memory fills up and then they get deleted. This is a cycle.

Other things I want to say :

My Dad and step mom told my little brothers a lie about how the cat died, for their children minds they couldn't hear what really happened. This made me wonder about my childhood and what I was told that was a lie, I would appreciate it if someone filled me in. Hey man, Im 22. This information wont hurt my feelings any longer.

Its time to DO something.

Lets go to Europe.

Is it to late to buy a polaroid camera? I had one of those mini ones, It was a stocking stuffer one year, I lost it.

Stocking stuffers rule.

I realized I might not be a spinster after all.

I have been getting small packages in the mail the last couple of years with CD's in them. One CD = One package. They were always being sent to my other job, I've moved locations but still get the packages. This is a mystery. So, I took this opportunity to write some mail. I wrote a letter to the record label thanking them and telling them a little about myself as well as including some jokes. Hopefully my drawings on the front persuaded them to open it. We'll see.




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